K.I.D.S. Therapy Associates, Inc. is a HealthPRO Pediatrics Company in the Rancho Bernardo area of San Diego, CA. Our facility provides pediatric and adolescent occupational, physical and speech therapy in a family oriented, child friendly center. We offer assessments, individual intervention and group programs. Our goal is to provide quality and highly professional services in a nurturing and supportive environment.


Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy focuses on helping children develop the abilities necessary for the many "occupations" of childhood.

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy helps children master motor milestones through play-based treatment.

Speech Therapy

 Speech Therapy helps children develop both verbal and non-verbal communication abilities.



K.I.D.S. Therapy Associates, Inc. has therapists that are extensively trained and experienced in treating children with autism.  

Feeding Therapy

Feeding Therapy addresses the individual goals of the child and supports families, provides resources, and helps parent/care-givers establish an effective home-based program.  


Kids. Integrating. Developing. Succeeding.


Our mission is to provide children and teens with the opportunity to develop their full potential and functional independence, and recover from injury, through innovative, high quality programs.