


Occupational therapy focuses on helping children develop the abilities necessary for the many "occupations" of childhood such as play, self-care, learning, school performance, community skills, and socializing. Pediatric OT includes intervention aimed at developing the underlying sensory and motor foundation necessary for skill development, the development of compensatory strategies, and environmental adaptations needed for successful participation in daily life activities.



Our occupational therapists can assess and provide treatment in the following areas:


  • Attention span and self-regulation abilities

  • Feeding and swallowing disorders including sensory based feeding issues

  • Fine motor skills

  • Handwriting

  • Motor Coordination

  • Motor Planning/Praxis

  • Play and social skills

  • Self-care

  • Sensory processing/Sensory Integration

  • Strength and endurance

  • Visual motor and visual perceptual skills



K.I.D.S. Therapy Associates, Inc. has therapists trained in the following specialty areas. Click on the topic below to visit the corresponding page:


Feeding Therapy

Beckman Oral Motor

Handwriting Without Tears

Interactive Metronome

Listening Program

Sensory Processing/Sensory Integration


Zones of Regulation