


Speech Therapy is devoted to helping children develop both verbal and non-verbal communication abilities. Treatment emphasizes interactive communication within the context of the child's everyday environments. Children have fun while building essential communication skills. At K.I.D.S. Therapy Associates, we value the integral part parents play in advancing their child's communication skills, so parents are included in the treatment process and goal setting. Treatment is provided in individual sessions or small groups based on the child's needs.



Our speech-language therapists can assess and provide treatment in the following areas:


  • Apraxia

  • Articulation/Phonological delays

  • Auditory processing disorders

  • Autism spectrum disorders

  • Cognitive deficits

  • Expressive and receptive language

  • Feeding and swallowing

  • Fluency (stuttering disorders)

  • Memory and cognition

  • Oral motor skills

  • Pragmatic language

  • Social language

  • Voice disorders



K.I.D.S. Therapy Associates, Inc. has therapists trained in the following specialty areas. Click on the topic below to visit the corresponding page:


Feeding Therapy

Beckman Oral Motor


Kaufman Approach for Apraxia


Social Learning

Talk Tools