Our speech-pathologists are well trained in the area of social pragmatic skills. We promote social language growth on an individual basis at K.I.D.S. Therapy Associates, Inc.. We use many of Michelle Garcia Winner's Social Thinking Curriculum tools to guide our treatment of social language skills. Our goal is to help students comprehend social concepts relative to and cognitively appropriate for their daily living skills. Our facility allows us to provide many opportunities to practice these skills in a natural way. Due to our friendly staff and much of our space being an open environment, social opportunities arise organically throughout treatment sessions. When it is possible and appropriate, we engage in social opportunities with other children with similar cognitive levels and goals. Examples of these social opportunities include: playing games, joining in play, asking others to play, working on and completing a task together, and formulating a group plan, just to name a few. Social skills are a key factor in a child’s ability to positively participate in daily activities both as individuals and family units. We recognize the value and the importance of social language skills and are prepared to support and foster the growth of such necessary skills.